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Sunday 31 May 2015

I love Sundays

Gone are the days where Sundays meant struggling through a hang over and caving into the temptation of fast food. Sundays are now about family time and getting organised for the week.

It all starts with a sleep in (if we're lucky) followed by breakfast and a cuppa in bed while I feed bub. It's also the day of the week when I cave into letting the dogs cosy up on the end of the bed because I know I'll be washing the sheets anyway. Plus, our fur-babies are part of the family too!

A Sunday tradition of ours is visiting the local farmers market. We load up on fresh fruit, veggies, eggs and fish for the week. It makes such a difference buying from the markets, everything is so much fresher plus we've come to know the vendors and farmers, which makes for a great experience.

Baking, relaxing in the recliner, cuddles, a phone call with Mum/Nanna, a delicious dinner, a glass of wine, clean sheets...I love Sundays.

Baby-wearing at the markets
Yes it does!
my love x

Friday 29 May 2015

Winter style crush: Olivia Palermo

I like to seek style inspiration from various women around the world but Olivia Palermo happens to be one of favourites. Take your own inspiration from my winter style pointers...

  • Don't shy away from colour: A bright coat or trench is far more appealing than black and will keep your outfit current. Mustard yellow and burgundy are real winners.
  • Double denim is always a good idea: Vary the shades for contrast.
  • Cinch in your waist with a belt: Always leather and never pleather. When fastening, loop it back around on itself.
  • Enhance your shape when wearing flowy fabrics and bulky jackets: Keep your trousers and jeans skinny leg or try ponte pants (ultra thick leggings).
  • Create balance with masculine and feminine pieces: Think strong jackets and sport luxe sneakers paired with feminine scarves.

All images sourced from Instagram. 

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Happy healthy life - interview with Karli Stanton

Hello lovely readers! I am so happy to bring you the next instalment of our series of interviews with fab ladies doing fab stuff - and especially excited to bring you an interview with health coach and wellness advocate - Karli Stanton.
Apart from just been an awesome, all-round superstar, Megan and I know Karli from around the traps of Adelaide (to be specific, Karli is longtime bestie of my sister-in-law Sophie - so it's a small world after all!). Karli is one of those talented ladies who, with a warm smile and generous spirit, brings light to everyone she meets. Starting a career in marketing has helped Karli to establish her own health advocacy and wellness business and a great blog to boot - Karli Stanton Health. After her own health journey, Karli is dedicating her energy to helping others in overcoming their own health barriers and build a healthier lifestyle. Enjoy reading some inspiring words from the lady herself:

Tell us about your journey to now - what has lead you here, what was your process and what was the most important action you took along the way?

I have always had a passion for health and wellness, but as a teenager I fell off the bandwagon a bit and got into the habit of fast, cheap food, lots of booze, late nights and no exercise. I kept these unhealthy habits up for the next few years. It wasn't until years later, when I came back from four months travelling around the world and feeling quite unhealthy, tired and unsure with the direction of my life that I realised I had to change. I had to start listening to my body and treating it right, not trashing it like I had been for so many years. So I started trawling through health and wellness blogs, reading health magazines and books, and before long I realised the previous damage I'd done to my body. I learnt that to be healthy and happy, I had to take a holistic approach to wellness. By changing my lifestyle, seeing and feeling the amazing results, I became super passionate about health and wellness. I wanted to show other women that they too could become healthier and happier, which led me to begin my health coaching business, Karli Stanton Health.

The most important action for me was to just start - the same goes for anything such as starting a business, a healthy eating regime, a yoga practice or whatever it may be. I was super scared about pressing the activate button on my website and kept telling myself that I would start tomorrow. But then tomorrow came and I would find an excuse. So I gave myself a date and even though I wasn't necessarily ready, I stuck to it - because I don't think you will ever be fully ready, and there will never be a perfect time, so why not start before you're ready?!

What inspired you to become a health coach and where do you continue to find your inspiration?

I was inspired by my own journey and seeing how much healthier and happier I became just by changing my diet and lifestyle. I soon realised that anyone can feel this way, they just need a little guidance and support. I truly love nothing more than to be able to create healthy recipes, blog about all things wellness and help women start living a healthy life they love. I continue to find inspiration from so many places, such as other health and wellness bloggers, my friends and family, travelling and learning about other cultures, Pinterest and Instagram, flicking through recipe books and magazines - even challenging myself turning an old favourite into a healthy recipe. There's inspiration all around, sometimes you just need to open your eyes wider to see it.
Why do you feel that health coaching is in such high demand? What are some common reasons for working as a health coach?

Health coaching is a relatively new concept, but it is definitely gaining more recognition and growing in demand. I believe this is because health coaches help to bridge the gap and offer more in-depth support and guidance than traditional health care providers. We also take a holistic approach to health and dive into all the nitty gritty stuff. It's not just a band-aid solution, but we really dig into the real life stuff that bring true health and happiness. I honestly believe that true health is not just about eating healthy and exercising, but encompasses everything we do, and that's what I'm here to show clients and guide them through. The most common reason clients come to me is to reduce stress, end a torturous relationship with food, have more time and energy to do the things they love, find their passion, create a life they love or maybe just lose some weight. Generally people are confused about food, diet and wellness, and want some guidance and support to make better decisions.

What are the positive and negative aspects to working in an online space? Do people engage differently with you?

I love being about to work in an online space, as it allows me to connect with people from all over the world. I use facebook, Instagram and my website daily, through which I have made connections with people in the UK, America and Asia, and created some great friendships. An online space opens up so many more opportunities not only to connect, but also to be able to help clients anywhere in the world. I could be on holiday in Bali and be able to work with clients in the UK... Where else can you do that but online?

However it does have its drawbacks. It can sometimes feel lonely sitting behind a computer screen and while online connections are great, nothing is better than connecting with someone in person. You can also come across some 'negative Nancies' in the online space. People can 'hide' behind their computer, which makes it easier for them to post negative comments or feedback. However, I try not to let this get me down and know that everyone is different. It's not my job to make everyone happy - as Taylor Swift says, sometimes you just gotta shake it off!

What are your essential habits that help you maintain good health?

Over the years I have developed many healthy habits but I have a few daily non-negotiables which I swear by to live a healthy, happy life:

  • I always start off my day with a mug of warm lemon water which helps to balance pH levels, improve digestion, promote clear skin, remove toxins and the list goes on.
  • I eat whole foods and local and/ or organic where possible and drink a tonne of water. I truly believe that as the saying goes 'we are what we eat' so I try to put the best possible food into my body.
  • I try to exercise for at least 30 minutes daily doing something I love like yoga, walking or going for a bike ride.
  • I take time to rest and relax each day by mediating, reading a book, drinking tea or writing a gratitude journal.
  • and I make sure I get loads of sleep
I must mention that I'm not super rigid or strict about this list. Some days I may not exercise or drink as much water as I should, but sometimes you just have to go with the flow and not beat yourself up about it. No one is perfect! However, I do know that when I do these things I feel much better for it, so I try to include them in my daily life as much as I can.

Yum, baked eggs! find the recipe at:
Beautiful summer treats - berry coconutty popsicles at
A healthy way to start the day... raspberry coconut smoothie bowl! Recipe at:

What is the simplest health advice you give to your clients?

Be prepared. If you have a fridge stocked full of healthy produce and put an hour or two aside each week to make a big batch of healthy meals and snacks, you are more likely to eat healthy than reach for a chocolate muffin at three o'clock. Same goes with exercise - if you prepare the night before such as laying out your workout gear or organising a walk with a friend, you are more likely to go ahead and exercise. It's all about making it as easy for yourself as possible. Oh, and drink lots of water.

What words of wisdom would you pass on to those who want to make changes in their health habits?

Take small steps. You don't have to overhaul your diet and lifestyle in one day. Start by drinking more water, then maybe try a new healthy recipe or start some type of exercise you love. Small steps daily are a great way to build new, healthy habits. It's also important to listen to your body and give it what it needs, everyone is different so get to know what works for you and what doesn't. Most importantly, have fun with it and don't take life to seriously!

We hope you've enjoyed reading about Karli's journey in health and wellness. For more information, you can visit Karli at her sites:


Facebook: ​

Twitter: @karlistanton 

Instagram: @karlistantonhealth

We'd love to hear about your health and wellness journey! Leave a comment below, or get it touch via our facebook page 

Monday 4 May 2015

Welcome to motherhood: My first 6 weeks

Well, what a whirlwind that was. The first 6 weeks go by in a blur of sleep deprivation and nappy rash cream. I find myself staring at my beautiful daughter thinking, wow is this really happening?
It's true what they say though, being a mother really is the most challenging yet rewarding thing that a woman will go all starts with the birth. Painful, terrifying, exhausting but all completely worth it when they put your brand new baby girl up on your chest. I will say one thing though & that's thank goodness for pain relief!

I'd been warned about how little time I would have when I returned home so I'd stacked the freezer with meals (some of the best advice I was given!) but I really underestimated just how little time I would have. Take breastfeeding for example; a baby feeds on average 10 times in 24 hours and each feed can take up to an hour when they're newborn especially if you're including a nappy change and/or waking a sleepy baby a few times that equates to 10 hours a day and a massive 70 hours in a week!!!!


Woah! That's like working two full time jobs! No wonder I'm feeling zombie-like and that's before I've cooked dinner (the frozen meals don't last forever), done a few loads of washing, washed the dishes, patted the dogs and squeezed in a shower (if I'm lucky!)

To top it off, breastfeeding is painful! But if you're lucky enough you and your baby will settle into it and it'll become a beautiful bonding experience. I count myself as one of those lucky ones.

So 6 weeks in, hubby is back at work and my daughter and I are starting to get into a routine. They say the first 6 weeks are the hardest and I'd say by week 5 I was starting to get stretches of 5 hours sleep at night so I can honestly say I'm feeling less like a zombie everyday. It's been a steep learning curve for me, having never changed a nappy until my daughter came along (yep it's true!) but I honestly couldn't imagine my life any other way now.

Huge shout out to my helpful hubby (most of the time!), my loving Mum and my entire family who are always available on the other end of the phone, my inlaws especially my mother inlaw, my friends who have offered advise or popped into visit, the knowledgeable midwives all of which I learnt something different and to everyone who rang, text, sent cards and gifts or wrote a heartfelt congratulatory message via social media.

To finish off I'd like to say to other new mums or mums-to-be to just go with your gut. Everyone you ask will give you different advice so just go with your mummy instincts. Oh and 'number threes' are something you'll become familiar with. Also known as poo explosions & poonarmies!

And to friends/rellies visiting new mums, you'll receive extra thanks if you rock up with food! And don't forget your whooping cough vaccination.

Megan 'new mum' Potter x

Miss Potter, 6 weeks old