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Sunday, 4 October 2015

Motherhood - 6 months in

Recently my baby girl had her half birthday, yep 6 months old already! I can hardly believe it!

My friend Cass from my mother's group summed it up perfectly saying, "The days can be long but time flies" went something like that anyway!

It's so true though as sometimes it seems like forever when I'm trying to get her to have a sleep or when she's crying in the back seat of the car...but when I look back 6 months has gone by so fast and she's grown so much!

In the evenings once she's fallen asleep on me I snuggle her for a few minutes and breathe in her yummy baby scent before carefully placing her in her cot for the night.

As a mumma you've got to get in as many baby cuddles as you can before they're all grown up!

Now like I said, the days can be long so pass me a glass of shiraz please!

And SSSSHHhhhh she's sleeping....

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