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Friday, 28 August 2015

Farewell Winter Blues

I know I'm not the only one thinking this, and yes it's the most obvious thing in the world, but I am so OVER WINTER!

In Australia we are spoiled when it comes to the weather. I know that our winters are no where near like in the UK, Europe or Canada. But seriously, hasn't this winter felt like a really cold, long, unending season? Even as I'm typing, my fingers are so cold that I want to give up and lie on the couch with my quilt and never get up again.

Which is the story of my winter season I have to admit. I have had a semi-serious case of the winter blues *exhales fog out of mouth*. I have disengaged from all my screens (my last instagram post was six weeks ago! That's sometime in July people), but it has felt like even social media has had some down time - not to mention, there's a fair bit of depressing white noise going on and not much to get cheery about.

These past few days though have helped me to see what's ahead. Four days ahead in fact... SPRING! We've had sunshine and all I needed was a light jacket! Here's a few other springtime niceties to look forward to:

BLOSSOM: the trees, still void of their leaves, are gearing up for pollinatin' and attracting those bees. Blossom is the most obvious sign of spring on the way and easy to see from your car or the bus on the way to work. Also reminds me of Japan (though I've never been) and Haiku poetry.
insert haiku pun here
ANIMAL ATTRACTION: As a colleague recently informed me, her cats are 'on heat'. Much like the blossom, many animals are getting ready for some L-O-V-I-N and springtime offspring. Start keeping an eye out for nesting birds, an increase in rodents (blarrrgh) or even your pets acting a little frisky. Also reminds me of that part in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, after the avalanche that's trapping the women has melted, and they start looking at their captors in a brand new light (great movie, horrible concept, highly recommend).
I miss my goats...
LONGER DAYS: Since the Winter Solstice in June, it's dark in the morning and dark by about 4.30pm (in SA anyway - not sure about you Queenslanders). To me, this is the worst part about winter - I can deal with cold (sort of) and quite enjoy rain (I live on farmland), but dammit I can't get up in pitch black! Already, the light is creeping around little by little. Also reminds me of peak summer and days at the beach until 8:30pm.
golden canola
SPRING VEGGIES: Whether you grow your own or head to the farmer's market, spring veggies are the best! Lots of leafy greens and beans. I love a good root veggie as much as the next person, but I feel healthier just looking at spring veggies. Asparagus! Broccoli! Peas! Broadbeans! Also, crops are almost ready to go in for summer where the action really happens. Also reminds me of just being in the garden and absorbing some good old vitamin D.
colour me happy
POSITIVE VIBES: Like I mentioned before, this winter wasn't so good for me and my mindset. I withdrew quite a bit, which is ok sometimes but not good in the long term. Spring is a great, all-round mood booster. I want to leave the house! Winter isn't forever and luckily, neither is the bluesy me that go bogged down with cold. Onwards and upwards. Gratitude.

Thank you Spring!

What are you looking forward to with the arrival of spring?

E x

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