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Friday, 10 July 2015

Weekend Wardrobe Edit

I'm a firm believer that we should be greeted each morning by a wardrobe that we adore.

Our clothes don't need to be expensive designer pieces but every item should be something that fits well, is in great condition and has us feeling amazing when we wear it. 

I'd been meaning to conduct an edit on my wardrobe for some time to accommodate my new body shape (since having a baby) and I finally made time for myself to do it.


I start by pulling out small sections of my wardrobe at a time and laying it out on the bed. Each item is then inspected for quality, tried on if required and then its either returned to my wardrobe if I'm keeping it or its added to one of three piles.

1st pile: Throw out - for tired, old or stained clothes.
2nd pile: Donate - for clothes still in great condition that you don't wear anymore. This could also be a 'sell' pile if you prefer.
3rd pile: Store away - for clothes that are a size too small that you still love and just can't part with. I used to be ruthless and only have the first two piles so things that didn't fit were out the door but I've since learned that with this ever changing body of mine I still need to keep some things.

**Remember that everything in your wardrobe needs to fit you so the 3rd 'store away' pile must be kept somewhere separate - consider space bags or storage containers.

By the time I've finished I've got a wardrobe full of clothes that I LOVE and I've got three piles of clothes on my bed to throw out, donate or store away.

For me it was crucial to only have clothes in my wardrobe that fit me perfectly. I don't need reminding every morning that I no longer fit into my size 10 jeans...that does nothing for a woman's confidence!

Key things to ask yourself throughout the process:

If I was out shopping today would I buy this?
Does this make me feel great?
Does it fit well? (If no, can it be altered?)

If you still think its all too over whelming or you just need that objective eye, enlist the help of a friend or personal stylist. A stylist will also help you to identify any gaps to make your wardrobe work even harder for you.

Here's a photo of my freshly edited wardrobe. Yes there's not much left but I love everything in there! Don't panic, I have a couple of draws for underwear, camisoles, etc and my big winter coats are in the spare room. I also have an array of scarves and accessories. The next step for me is getting matching coat hangers but as long there's no wire hangers in there I'm happy (they ruin your clothes!)

So go on, dive into your wardrobe! It feels great once it's done and you'll simply love waking up to it! 

Megan x

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