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Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Food Love - Raw Carrot Cake

I LOVE CAKE! Pretty much any kind! Chocolate cake, sponge cake, pineapple upside-down cake, cheesecake and especially CARROT CAKE!!!! Mmmm! I'm salivating just thinking about it!

However, in the last couple of years I've really learned to listen to my body when it tells me what it likes and what it doesn't like. If you too start listening you'll notice what foods are making you feel bloated, slugglish, nauseous or worse! For me sugar, wheat and most dairy has me not feeling my best and unfortunately for me they're all contained within most of my favourite cakes!

Depriving myself of my favourite foods is somewhat difficult and unsustainable long term so I wanted to find some alternatives to satisfy my sweet tooth without leaving me feeling guilty or coming down from a huge sugar high. Don't get me wrong, I still cave in to foods that I know don't make me feel great (I'm only human after all!) but the key is knowing what makes you feel good.

I recently stumbled upon a cookbook in my local health food store entitled Eat Dessert for Breakfast. Its a book of gluten-free, refined sugar-free and diary-free sweet treats, which are just to die for! I whip up the treats in no time in my Thermomix (I love my Thermi!) but a food processor or blender will work fine too.

Check out author Nicole Joy's website here.

This is not a sponsored post, nor am I telling you what to eat, what's healthy or to jump on the latest "fad diet". I am telling you to be mindful and love yourself enough to give your body what it needs and wants.

My most recent creation has been Carrot Cake with Lemon Frosting. It's made from nuts, carrots, pineapple, coconut oil, dates and honey so it's packed with goodness! Get the recipe here

What have you been making lately?

Megan x

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